
St Wilfrid's Sixth Form - Application Form

Applying to St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form in Blackburn, Lancashire
You can apply for the 2024-25 intake using the form below. You will see a confirmation message on the page when you submit your form, (you will not receive an email notification or copy of the form).

Following your application, you will be contacted via email and invited to a course consultation where a member of our highly trained team will help you select the subjects that are right for you.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us on 01254 604000.
We will soon be opening up applications for our 2024-25 intake, please check back again soon.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us on 01254 604000.
1. Student Information
2. Student Education
If you have already achieved any GCSE/Level 2 qualifications, please use the box below to list them. Please use the following format in the box: Maths - B, English - A, Geography - A
3. Educational Support
If you have ever been on the SEN register at school, had an EHCP or IPRA, please advise on the type of difficulty below: SPLD, MLD, BESD, SLCN, ASD, HI, VI, PD. If any other, please specify:
If you have any additional support requirements, either medical or learning, please let us know here:
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