
Keeping Going

“But we must keep going in the direction that we are now headed.”
Philippians 3:16
Posted on:
July 12, 2021

Building on this half term's focus on goal setting and enduring, we consider this week the importance of keeping going. As we approach the beginning of the summer holidays, we also anticipate the start of the Olympic games. I heard this morning on the radio that ‘Team GB’ has revised it’s expectations; from a medal total, to the well-being of the athletes. The focus on development and participation after such a disrupted training schedule will be a welcomed relief.  

This year has been disrupted. We cannot change that or get around that fact. But as we take some time today to reflect on the impact of those disruptions, we too can reflect on our goals and bring them in line with what we are facing. Team GB’s goals are still to achieve. They are still focused on bringing home medals, but their measurement technique has been realigned to what they believe matters most.

The frustration for any athlete running a track event is this. No matter how fast or far they run around the track, if they start at end at the same point, their displacement and velocity will be the same as the time-keeper who sits patiently on the line for them to finish – ZERO. In Physics, if the overall change in distance is zero for an event, the velocity is zero. If an athlete focused on their velocity as a measure of achievement, they would always be disappointed.  

What is your method of measuring the progress you are making during this difficult time? Take time to reflect on all the ways you have moved in the direction you are going and how you plan to continue this in the weeks and months ahead.

What is your response?
As you read the devotional, set some time aside to ask God how the word can change you today.
James 1:22 says "Do not merely listen to the word...do what it says." How can you live out the challenges set, or share the encouragement from the post today?
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